No. 825, Thursday, March 21, 2024 View in browser
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Olá, frontend friends! 👋
Today’s edition covers Safari 17.4’s update for vertical form controls, dives into CSS fundamentals like the box model and sizing, and explores responsive font sizing techniques.
We also highlight a new front-end framework in the making for versatile and native web components management, called piecesjs by Quentin Hocdé.
And of course, much much more!
Happy reading!
Inspirational Website of the Week: YARD
YARD boasts an ultra-modern design and seamless interactions, masterfully created by Clément Cassajus and Benjamin Robinet. It’s undoubtedly our choice for the Website of the Week!
Standout Web Design Picks
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📦 The box model and box sizing
This first article in Andy Bell’s CSS Fundamentals series, you’ll learn how the box model is affected by box sizing.
Open-source, visual programming for developers. Includes a VS Code extension, integrates with existing TypeScript code, browser and Node.js.
Mantis is a full-stack development toolkit that simplifies the creation and deployment of Angular applications across platforms.
Timelock encryption is a system that allows you to encrypt a message until a specific time in the future. This can be thought of as a “digital time capsule”.
🧊 Ice Text Effect with CSS
Learn how to create a CSS only ice text effect using CSS Gradients and text shadows to create text that looks like its frozen.
A vector library designed for creating complex, dynamic, animated UI layouts. By Andrew Prifer.
Video Vault
Animation Spotlight
Melt Lamp – Product Animation Landing Page by Daria Komakowska
Demo Corner
❓Did you know that…
…BackRub, an early search engine from the 1990s, is considered the precursor to today’s Google search engine? It was a brainchild of Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, developed and operated by them in their early days. The project began in 1996 as part of Larry Page’s research at Stanford University, aiming to create a universal digital library. This research, particularly on the structure of links as a vast graph, laid the groundwork for the PageRank algorithm, a cornerstone of today’s Google search.
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