10 Pandas One-Liners for Quick Data Quality Checks

Image by Author | Segmind SSD-1B Model


Almost all data projects start with messy real-world data. Before you get into analysis or building models, you need to make sure your dataset is in good shape. Luckily, pandas makes it super easy to spot and fix common issues like missing values, duplicates, or inconsistent formatting—all with just a line of code.

In this article, we’ll explore 10 essential one-liners to help you identify common issues such as missing values, incorrect data types, out-of-range values, inconsistent entries, and duplicate records. Let’s get started.


Sample DataFrame

Here’s a small sample dataset simulating e-commerce transactions with common data quality issues such as missing values, inconsistent formatting, and potential outliers:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Sample e-commerce transaction data
data = 
    "TransactionID": [101, 102, 103, 104, 105],
    "CustomerName": ["Jane Rust", "june young", "June Doe", None, "JANE RUST"],
    "Product": ["Laptop", "Phone", "Laptop", "Tablet", "Phone"],
    "Price": [1200, 800, 1200, -300, 850],  # Negative value indicates an issue
    "Quantity": [1, 2, None, 1,1],  # Missing value
    "TransactionDate": ["2024-12-01", "2024/12/01", "01-12-2024", None, "2024-12-01"],

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Display the DataFrame


This is the dataframe we’ll be working with:

   TransactionID CustomerName Product  Price  Quantity TransactionDate
0            101    Jane Rust  Laptop   1200       1.0      2024-12-01
1            102   june young   Phone    800       2.0      2024/12/01
2            103    Jane Rust  Laptop   1200       NaN      01-12-2024
3            104         None  Tablet   -300       1.0            None
4            105   JUNE YOUNG   Phone    850       1.0      2024-12-01


Before going ahead, let’s get some basic info on the dataframe:



RangeIndex: 5 entries, 0 to 4
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column           Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------           --------------  -----  
 0   TransactionID    5 non-null      int64  
 1   CustomerName     4 non-null      object 
 2   Product          5 non-null      object 
 3   Price            5 non-null      int64  
 4   Quantity         4 non-null      float64
 5   TransactionDate  4 non-null      object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 368.0+ bytes


1. Check for Missing Values

This one-liner checks each column for missing values and sums them up.

missing_values = df.isnull().sum()
print("Missing Values:\n", missing_values)



Missing Values:
TransactionID      0
CustomerName       1
Product            0
Price              0
Quantity           1
TransactionDate    1
dtype: int64


2. Identify Incorrect Data Types

Reviewing data types is important. For example, TransactionDate should be a datetime type, but it’s not so in the example.

print("Data Types:\n", df.dtypes)



Data Types:
TransactionID        int64
CustomerName        object
Product             object
Price                int64
Quantity           float64
TransactionDate     object
dtype: object


Running this quick check should help identify columns that need transformation.


3. Convert Dates to a Consistent Format

This one-liner converts ‘TransactionDate’ to a consistent datetime format. Any unconvertible values—invalid formats—are replaced with NaT (Not a Time).

df["TransactionDate"] = pd.to_datetime(df["TransactionDate"], errors="coerce")



0   2024-12-01
1          NaT
2          NaT
3          NaT
4   2024-12-01
Name: TransactionDate, dtype: datetime64[ns]


4. Find Outliers in Numeric Columns

Finding outliers in numeric columns is another important check. However, you’ll need some domain knowledge to identify potential outliers. Here, we filter the rows where the ‘Price’ is less than 0, flagging negative values as potential outliers.

outliers = df[df["Price"] 



    TransactionID CustomerName Product  Price  Quantity TransactionDate
3            104         None  Tablet   -300       1.0             NaT


5. Detect Duplicate Records

This checks for duplicate rows based on ‘CustomerName’ and ‘Product’, ignoring unique TransactionIDs. Duplicates might indicate repeated entries.

duplicates = df.duplicated(subset=["CustomerName", "Product"], keep=False)
print("Duplicate Records:\n", df[duplicates])



Duplicate Records:
    TransactionID CustomerName Product  Price  Quantity TransactionDate
0            101    Jane Rust  Laptop   1200       1.0      2024-12-01
2            103    Jane Rust  Laptop   1200       NaN             NaT


6. Standardize Text Data

Standardizes CustomerName by removing extra spaces and ensuring proper capitalization ( “jane rust” → “Jane Rust”).

df["CustomerName"] = df["CustomerName"].str.strip().str.title()



0     Jane Rust
1    June Young
2     Jane Rust
3          None
4    June Young
Name: CustomerName, dtype: object


7. Validate Data Ranges

With numeric values, ensuring they lie within the expected range is necessary. Let’s check if all prices fall within a realistic range, say 0 to 5000. Rows with price values outside this range are flagged.

invalid_prices = df[~df["Price"].between(0, 5000)]
print("Invalid Prices:\n", invalid_prices)



Invalid Prices:
    TransactionID CustomerName Product  Price  Quantity TransactionDate
3            104         None  Tablet   -300       1.0             NaT


8. Count Unique Values in a Column

Let’s get an overview of how many times each product appears using the `value-counts()` method. This is useful for spotting typos or anomalies in categorical data.

unique_products = df["Product"].value_counts()
print("Unique Products:\n", unique_products)



Unique Products:
Laptop    2
Phone     2
Tablet    1
Name: count, dtype: int64


9. Check for Inconsistent Formatting Across Columns

Detects inconsistently formatted entries in ‘CustomerName’. This regex flags names that may not match the expected title case format.

inconsistent_names = df["CustomerName"].str.contains(r"[A-Z]2,", na=False)
print("Inconsistent Formatting in Names:\n", df[inconsistent_names])



Inconsistent Formatting in Names:
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [TransactionID, CustomerName, Product, Price, Quantity, TransactionDate]
Index: []


Here there are no inconsistent entries in the ‘CustomerName’ column as we’ve already formatted them in the title case.


10. Identify Rows with Multiple Issues

This identifies rows with more than one issue, such as missing values, negative prices, or invalid dates, for focused attention during cleaning.

issues = df.isnull().sum(axis=1) + (df["Price"]  1]
print("Rows with Multiple Issues:\n", problematic_rows)



Rows with Multiple Issues:
    TransactionID CustomerName Product  Price  Quantity TransactionDate
1            102   June Young   Phone    800       2.0             NaT
2            103    Jane Rust  Laptop   1200       NaN             NaT
3            104         None  Tablet   -300       1.0             NaT



Data cleaning doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With these pandas one-liners in your toolkit, you can run some important data quality checks. Which will help you better decide your next steps in data cleaning.

Whether it’s handling missing values, catching outliers, or checking for the right data types, these quick checks will save you time and headaches.


Bala Priya C is a developer and technical writer from India. She likes working at the intersection of math, programming, data science, and content creation. Her areas of interest and expertise include DevOps, data science, and natural language processing. She enjoys reading, writing, coding, and coffee! Currently, she’s working on learning and sharing her knowledge with the developer community by authoring tutorials, how-to guides, opinion pieces, and more. Bala also creates engaging resource overviews and coding tutorials.

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