Machine Learning

Why the Newest LLMs use a MoE (Mixture of Experts) Architecture

  Specialization Made Necessary  A hospital is overcrowded with experts and doctors each with their own specializations, solving unique problems. Surgeons, cardiologists, pediatricians—experts of all...

Radical Simplicity in Data Engineering | by Cai Parry-Jones | Jul, 2024

Learn from Software Engineers and Discover the Joy of ‘Worse is Better’ ThinkingThis article aims to present a contrary style of problem solving:...

How to Handle Time Zones and Timestamps Accurately with Pandas

Image by Author | Midjourney   Time-based data can be unique when we face different time-zones. However, interpreting timestamps can be hard because of these...

Applied Python Chronicles: A Gentle Intro to Pydantic | by Ilija Lazarevic | Jul, 2024

What about default values and argument extractions?from pydantic import validate_call@validate_call(validate_return=True)def add(*args: int, a: int, b: int = 4) -> int:return str(sum(args) + a...

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