Personal reflections on my 10-year data odyssey

Ten years ago, I embarked on my journey in the field of data science. I clearly remember the beginning of this adventure — my thoughts, my emotions, and the excitement that came with stepping into a new territory.
It all started with a consultancy position at a large insurance company.
I was part of the Research and Development team, where our goals were — quite frankly — undefined. We craved data within the company to experiment, try something different, and innovate.
Neither I nor the company was truly ready for this. But looking back, I see how essential that step was. The company has since grown into a tech leader, and for me, those years were a playground of learning — exploring, studying, and mastering the tools and technologies of the time.
When I remember myself in that context, I see a young professional Brimming with energy and a desire to innovate. I look back on all my daily failures with great affection and a hint of nostalgia because they shaped the professional I am today.
If I could speak to that younger version of myself, I would offer some advice to ease his journey. Interestingly, they would be the same advice I now give to my…