Integrating Scikit-Learn and Statsmodels for Regression

Statistics and Machine Learning both aim to extract insights from data, though their approaches differ significantly. Traditional statistics primarily concerns itself with inference, using the entire dataset to test hypotheses and estimate probabilities about a larger population. In contrast, machine learning emphasizes prediction and decision-making, typically employing a train-test split methodology where models learn from a portion of the data (the training set) and validate their predictions on unseen data (the testing set).

In this post, we will demonstrate how a seemingly straightforward technique like linear regression can be viewed through these two lenses. We will explore their unique contributions by using Scikit-Learn for machine learning and Statsmodels for statistical inference.

Let’s get started.

Integrating Scikit-Learn and Statsmodels for Regression.
Photo by Stephen Dawson. Some rights reserved.


This post is divided into three parts; they are:

  • Supervised Learning: Classification vs. Regression
  • Diving into Regression with a Machine Learning Focus
  • Enhancing Understanding with Statistical Insights

Supervised Learning: Classification vs. Regression

Supervised learning is a branch of machine learning where the model is trained on a labeled dataset. This means that each example in the training dataset is paired with the correct output. Once trained, the model can apply what it has learned to new, unseen data.

In supervised learning, we encounter two main tasks: classification and regression. These tasks are determined by the type of output we aim to predict. If the goal is to predict categories, such as determining if an email is spam, we are dealing with a classification task. Alternatively, if we estimate a value, such as calculating the miles per gallon (MPG) a car will achieve based on its features, it falls under regression. The output’s nature — a category or a number — steers us toward the appropriate approach.

In this series, we will used the Ames housing dataset. It provides a comprehensive collection of features related to houses, including architectural details, condition, and location, aimed at predicting the “SalePrice” (the sales price) of each house.

This should output:

The “SalePrice” column is of data type int64, indicating that it represents integer values. Since “SalePrice” is a numerical (continuous) variable rather than categorical, predicting the “SalePrice” would be a regression task. This means the goal is to predict a continuous quantity (the sale price of a house) based on the input features provided in your dataset.

Diving into Regression with a Machine Learning Focus

Supervised learning in machine learning focuses on predicting outcomes based on input data. In our case, using the Ames Housing dataset, we aim to predict a house’s sale price from its living area—a classic regression task. For this, we turn to scikit-learn, renowned for its simplicity and effectiveness in building predictive models.

To start, we select “GrLivArea” (ground living area) as our feature and “SalePrice” as the target. The next step involves splitting our dataset into training and testing sets using scikit-learn’s train_test_split() function. This crucial step allows us to train our model on one set of data and evaluate its performance on another, ensuring the model’s reliability.

Here’s how we do it:

This should output:

The LinearRegression object imported in the code above is scikit-learn’s implementation of linear regression. The model’s R² score of 0.4789 indicates that our model explains approximately 48% of the variation in sale prices based on the living area alone—a significant insight for such a simple model. This step marks our initial foray into machine learning with scikit-learn, showcasing the ease with which we can assess model performance on unseen or test data.

Enhancing Understanding with Statistical Insights

After exploring how scikit-learn can help us assess model performance on unseen data, we now turn our attention to statsmodels, a Python package that offers a different angle of analysis. While scikit-learn excels in building models and predicting outcomes, statsmodels shines by diving deep into the statistical aspects of our data and model. Let’s see how statsmodels can provide you with insight at a different level:

The first key distinction to highlight is statsmodels‘ use of all observations in our dataset. Unlike the predictive modeling approach, where we split our data into training and testing sets, statsmodels leverages the entire dataset to provide comprehensive statistical insights. This full utilization of data allows for a detailed understanding of the relationships between variables and enhances the accuracy of our statistical estimates. The above code should output the following:

Note that it is not the same regerssion as in the case of scikit-learn because the full dataset is used without train-test split.

Let’s dive into the statsmodels‘ output for our OLS regression and explain what the P-values, coefficients, confidence intervals, and diagnostics tell us about our model, specifically focusing on predicting “SalePrice” from “GrLivArea”:

P-values and Coefficients

  • Coefficient of “GrLivArea”: The coefficient for “GrLivArea” is 110.5551. This means that for every additional square foot of living area, the sales price of the house is expected to increase by approximately $110.55. This coefficient quantifies the impact of living area size on the house’s sales price.
  • P-value for “GrLivArea”: The p-value associated with the “GrLivArea” coefficient is essentially 0 (indicated by P>|t| near 0.000), suggesting that the living area is a highly significant predictor of the sales price. In statistical terms, we can reject the null hypothesis that the coefficient is zero (no effect) and confidently state that there is a strong relationship between the living area and sales price (but not necessarily the only factor).

Confidence Intervals

  • Confidence Interval for “GrLivArea”: The confidence interval for the “GrLivArea” coefficient is [106.439, 114.671]. This range tells us that we can be 95% confident that the true impact of living area on sale price falls within this interval. It offers a measure of the precision of our coefficient estimate.


  • R-squared (R²): The R² value of 0.518 indicates that the living area can explain approximately 51.8% of the variability in sale prices. It’s a measure of how well the model fits the data. It is expected that this number is not the same as the case in scikit-learn regression since the data is different.
  • F-statistic and Prob (F-statistic): The F-statistic is a measure of the overall significance of the model. With an F-statistic of 2774 and a Prob (F-statistic) essentially at 0, this indicates that the model is statistically significant.
  • Omnibus, Prob(Omnibus): These tests assess the normality of the residuals. Residual is the difference between the predicted value $\haty$) and the actual value ($y$). The linear regression algorithm is based on the assumption that the residuals are normally distributed. A Prob(Omnibus) value close to 0 suggests the residuals are not normally distributed, which could be a concern for the validity of some statistical tests.
  • Durbin-Watson: The Durbin-Watson statistic tests the presence of autocorrelation in the residuals. It is between 0 and 4. A value close to 2 (1.926) suggests there is no strong autocorrelation. Otherwise, this suggests that the relationship between $X$ and $y$ may not be linear.

This comprehensive output from statsmodels provides a deep understanding of how and why “GrLivArea” influences “SalePrice,” backed by statistical evidence. It underscores the importance of not just using models for predictions but also interpreting them to make informed decisions based on a solid statistical foundation. This insight is invaluable for those looking to explore the statistical story behind their data.

Further Reading




Ames Housing Dataset & Data Dictionary


In this post, we navigated through the foundational concepts of supervised learning, specifically focusing on regression analysis. Using the Ames Housing dataset, we demonstrated how to employ scikit-learn for model building and performance, and statsmodels for gaining statistical insights into our data. This journey from data to insights underscores the critical role of both predictive modeling and statistical analysis in understanding and leveraging data effectively.

Specifically, you learned:

  • The distinction between classification and regression tasks in supervised learning.
  • How to identify which approach to use based on the nature of your data.
  • How to use scikit-learn to implement a simple linear regression model, assess its performance, and understand the significance of the model’s R² score.
  • The value of employing statsmodels to explore the statistical aspects of your data, including the interpretation of coefficients, p-values, and confidence intervals, and the importance of diagnostic tests for model assumptions.

Do you have any questions? Please ask your questions in the comments below, and I will do my best to answer.

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Vinod ChuganiVinod Chugani

About Vinod Chugani

Born in India and nurtured in Japan, I am a Third Culture Kid with a global perspective. My academic journey at Duke University included majoring in Economics, with the honor of being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in my junior year. Over the years, I’ve gained diverse professional experiences, spending a decade navigating Wall Street’s intricate Fixed Income sector, followed by leading a global distribution venture on Main Street.
Currently, I channel my passion for data science, machine learning, and AI as a Mentor at the New York City Data Science Academy. I value the opportunity to ignite curiosity and share knowledge, whether through Live Learning sessions or in-depth 1-on-1 interactions.
With a foundation in finance/entrepreneurship and my current immersion in the data realm, I approach the future with a sense of purpose and assurance. I anticipate further exploration, continuous learning, and the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving fields of data science and machine learning, especially here at MLM.

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