Сan You Trust Your AI Product’s Results? | by Konstantin Babenko | Sep, 2024

The landscape of technology investment is increasingly being shaped by advancements in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). According to the 2023 State of the CIO report, 26% of IT leaders identify ML and AI as the primary drivers of IT investment. While these technologies hold the promise of providing organizations with a competitive edge through actionable insights and automation, the potential for costly mistakes cannot be overlooked. Errors in AI-driven actions can severely impact an organization’s reputation, revenue, and even result in critical consequences.


A crucial aspect of developing and deploying AI-based products is a comprehensive understanding of the data that fuels these systems, along with a thorough grasp of the tools used. It is equally important to align these technologies with organizational values to ensure ethical and responsible usage. Recent incidents highlight the significant risks associated with AI errors and underscore the importance of rigorous quality assurance for AI development and deployment.

For instance, in February 2024, Air Canada was ordered to pay damages to one of the passengers after its AI assistant provided incorrect information regarding bereavement fares. Following the chatbot’s advice, the passenger bought tickets believing he could apply for a discount post-purchase, only to have his claim denied. This incident, which led to Air Canada being held accountable for the chatbot’s misinformation, emphasizes the critical need for accurate AI systems.

Similarly, the online real estate marketplace Zillow faced substantial losses and had to wind down its Zillow Offers program after its ML algorithm for predicting home prices led to significant errors. The algorithm’s misjudgments resulted in overestimations, causing a $304 million inventory write-down and a 25% workforce reduction. This case illustrates the financial risks tied to AI inaccuracies in critical business operations.

In the healthcare sector, a 2019 study exposed a significant bias in a widely-used healthcare prediction algorithm, which underrepresented Black patients in high-risk care management programs. The algorithm’s reliance on healthcare spending as a proxy for health needs led to discriminatory outcomes, spotlighting the ethical implications and the necessity for bias mitigation in AI systems.

Moreover, Microsoft’s 2016 incident with its AI chatbot Tay, which quickly began posting offensive content on Twitter due to flawed training data, further exemplifies the challenges in AI training and the importance of safeguarding AI against malicious input.

These examples underline the importance of robust QA processes in the development and deployment of AI systems. Ensuring the accuracy, fairness, and reliability of AI technologies is paramount to harnessing their benefits while minimizing risks.

Key Issues Affecting the Quality of Generative AI Systems

The performance and dependability of AI systems depend on various crucial factors that profoundly influence their functionality. Issues such as the structure and consistency of training and test datasets, inherent biases and ethical considerations, the lack of comprehensive test scenarios, and the challenge of subjective evaluation criteria are pivotal in shaping the effectiveness of generative AI. Let’s examine each of these aspects in more detail.

Structured Issues in Training and Test Data Sets

Variations in data formats, missing values, or contradictory information within datasets can undermine the AI system’s performance. Inconsistent data leads to inaccurate model learning, requiring extensive preprocessing and data cleaning. Inconsistent data can arise from multiple sources, formats, or collection methods. For instance, data collected from different sensors or devices might have varying units, scales, or time stamps. These inconsistencies can confuse the model during training, leading to unreliable outputs.

The absence of a definitive ground truth or reliable labels in training data is a significant challenge for AI model development/ training. Ground truth refers to the accurate, verified information used as a benchmark to train and evaluate models. Without it, models cannot be trained effectively to produce accurate and trustworthy outputs. This issue is prevalent in domains where labeled data is scarce or expensive to obtain, such as medical imaging or legal documents.

Bias in datasets can manifest in various forms, such as selection bias, confirmation bias, or exclusion bias. For example, facial recognition datasets might be biased towards lighter skin tones, leading to poor performance on darker skin tones.

Using sensitive or personal data without proper consent raises ethical concerns. For instance, training models on data scraped from social media without user consent can lead to privacy violations.

Lack of Scenarios in Test Datasets

AI models trained and tested on standard datasets might not perform well in real-world applications due to the lack of comprehensive and diverse testing scenarios. This discrepancy arises because standard test sets often do not capture the full range of possible real-world conditions, leading to models that are brittle and prone to failure when faced with unforeseen situations.

Biased Feedback Data Sets

User feedback is a critical component in refining and improving AI models. However, this feedback can be significantly influenced by the users’ emotional states, leading to biased data that might not accurately reflect the true quality or performance of the service or product being evaluated. This emotional bias can skew the training data, leading to models that do not accurately represent user preferences or satisfaction. For instance, a recommendation system might overemphasize or underemphasize certain features based on skewed user ratings.

If users notice that the system often provides unsatisfactory recommendations or assessments due to biased training data, their trust in the system will decrease.

Revising AI System Evaluation Metrics

As models evolve through training, tuning, and fine-tuning, evaluation metrics need to be updated to ensure they remain relevant. Metrics that were useful early in development might become less informative as the model improves.

Vague Expected Results

In tasks like creative content generation or open-ended question answering, the expected outcomes are often subjective and vague. This ambiguity makes it challenging to evaluate the performance of AI models using binary or strictly quantitative criteria. Such tasks do not have clear-cut right or wrong answers, making it necessary to develop nuanced evaluation methods that can capture the complexity and variability of the outputs.

Measuring Performance without Extra Latency

Evaluating AI systems in real-time applications requires efficient techniques that do not introduce significant delays. For instance, latency-sensitive applications like real-time language translation or stock trading need quick and accurate performance assessments.

Addressing these issues involves a combination of technical solutions, best practices, and continuous improvement processes.

Quality Assurance Strategies to Address Issues Affecting AI Systems

In quality assurance for AI, the validation of models isn’t just helpful — it’s crucial. Through validation, both pre- and post-deployment, stakeholders can ensure their AI-based products are functioning as intended, providing reliable outputs and insights. Today, several frameworks work efficiently in the pre- and post-validation space, helping streamline the machine learning process and ensuring optimal results.

Harnessing Pre- and Post-Validation Frameworks for AI Quality Assurance

Examination of Pre-Validation Frameworks

Pre-validation is a critical stage in quality assurance for AI where models are tested for potential biases or errors before they are integrated and deployed into a system. It’s during this phase that significant issues are spotted and rectified, which improves the model’s final performance.

An efficient tool for pre-validation is TensorFlow Extended (TFX), a production-ready ML platform. TFX allows for robust and repeatable ML workflows via its suite of components, one being the TensorFlow Data Validation. This tool is designed for exploring and validating machine learning data, consequently enhancing the data clarity and quality right from the onset. It’s a significant step in reducing future discrepancies, maintaining model’s precision, and minimizing biases. However, its main limitation lies in its strong dependency on TensorFlow platform, making it less flexible in an environment dominated by other libraries like PyTorch or Keras.

Another useful tool is PyCaret, a low-code ML library in Python. PyCaret simplifies data preprocessing, feature selection, tuning, and model selection in the pre-validation phase, saving your team valuable time. The caveat, however, is that PyCaret sacrifices a degree of control and complexity for simplicity, making it less suitable for models that require very detailed customization.

Evaluation of Post-Validation Frameworks

Post-validation, on the contrary, refers to audits done after the system deployment, aiming to check if it performs as anticipated in real-world conditions.

Amazon SageMaker Clarify is one such tool that can offer valuable insights during the post-validation phase. It helps explain model predictions by detecting bias and presenting feature attributions. This allows decision-makers to comprehend how inputs influence the model’s outputs, making complex models more interpretable. However, the adoption of SageMaker Clarify comes with a learning curve, as it requires considerable knowledge in AWS services. Thus, extensive training might be needed for teams unfamiliar with the platform.

Fiddler.ai is another notable tool for the post-validation stage, focusing on the transparency and explainability of AI and ML. Fiddler provides AI auditing and monitoring solutions to ensure models are fair, responsible, and reliable and provide actionable insights. Nonetheless, it may be complex for those new to ML, and its services might be overkill and underutilized in smaller-scale or less critical ML applications.

The Synergy of Pre- and Post-Validation Frameworks in Quality Assurance for AI

In assessing the value of both pre- and post-validation frameworks, we recognize that it isn’t really about identifying which one is more effective. Instead, the focus is on understanding that these frameworks create a comprehensive validation process when implemented together. Pre-validation sets the stage for potential success, while post-validation secures the continued accuracy and integrity of your live AI system.

Processica’s framework for quality assurance for AI employs TensorFlow Extended (TFX) and PyCaret during the pre-validation phase. For robust ML workflows, TFX’s TensorFlow Data Validation ensures smooth progression through data cleaning, analysis, and model training. For simpler models and rapid prototyping, PyCaret facilitates quick, high-quality model generation.

Post-deployment, the framework uses Fiddler.ai for transparency and bias checking, and Amazon SageMaker Clarify for making refined adjustments based on field data. This hybrid approach ensures optimal performance of the AI system and makes complex ML processes understandable and accessible.

Utilizing Additional AI Models for Evaluating AI Product Metrics

At Processica, we’ve pioneered an innovative approach to address quality challenges in AI systems — additional AI models specifically designed for evaluation purposes.

This method involves deploying specialized AI models that work in tandem with the primary AI system to continuously assess and validate its outputs. These evaluation models are trained on diverse datasets and programmed with specific criteria to measure key performance indicators. By doing so, we create a multi-layered quality assurance framework that can adapt to the nuanced and often unpredictable nature of generative AI outputs.

The process begins with the primary AI system generating responses or completing tasks. These outputs are then fed into the evaluation AI systems, which analyze them based on predefined metrics. For instance, one model might focus on assessing the factual accuracy of the information, while another examines linguistic consistency and coherence. Additional models could be dedicated to detecting potential biases or ethical concerns in the generated content.

For instance, we regularly implement this approach in our AI bot testing pipeline. Our evaluation models are designed to simulate various user interactions and assess the bot’s responses across multiple dimensions. This includes checking for contextual relevance, maintaining consistent persona attributes, and ensuring adherence to safety guidelines. The evaluation models provide real-time feedback, allowing for immediate adjustments and fine-tuning of the primary AI bot.

One of the key advantages of this method is its scalability and adaptability. As new challenges or requirements emerge, we can develop and integrate additional evaluation models to address specific concerns. This modular approach ensures that our quality assurance process remains robust and up-to-date with the latest standards and expectations in AI performance.

Moreover, by utilizing AI for evaluation, we can process vast amounts of data and interactions at speeds far surpassing human capability. This allows for comprehensive testing across a wide range of scenarios, uncovering potential issues that might be missed in traditional QA processes. The AI-driven evaluation also provides quantifiable metrics and detailed reports, enabling data-driven decision-making in the development and refinement of AI products.

In conclusion, the use of additional AI models for evaluation represents a significant leap forward in ensuring the quality and reliability of AI-based products. At Processica, this approach has not only enhanced the performance of our AI bots but has also instilled greater confidence in our clients regarding the safety and effectiveness of our AI solutions. As we continue to refine and expand this methodology, we anticipate even more sophisticated and comprehensive quality assurance processes for the next generation of AI systems.

More Insight on Quality Assurance for AI Systems

In this newsletter, I’ve shared a glimpse into the cutting-edge methods we employ at Processica to ensure the robustness and reliability of AI systems. Ready to dive deeper? Read the full article on our website. Here’s what you’ll discover:

Leveraging Third-Party Services to Detect AI System Anomalies

Learn how incorporating third-party services like DataRobot and Kibana can transform your AI anomaly detection process, ensuring system stability and rapid response to inconsistencies.

Utilizing LLM AI Models for Generating Human-Like Scenarios and Queries

Discover how Processica leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to create realistic, diverse test scenarios. Our innovative approach enhances quality assurance for AI by simulating genuine user interactions, providing a comprehensive evaluation of AI bot performance.

Implementing Workflow Scenarios for Describing and Adjusting Testing Scenarios

Explore our dynamic “Workflow Stages” functionality that adapts testing scenarios in real-time, uncovering edge cases and ensuring your AI systems can handle complex, real-world interactions seamlessly.

Quality Assurance Techniques for Different Types of AI-Based Products

Delve into specialized QA strategies tailored for various AI applications, from predictive models to conversational systems. Learn how Processica’s robust QA framework maintains the integrity and trustworthiness of AI technologies.

Visit Processica’s website to read the full article and gain in-depth knowledge on these transformative methodologies of quality assurance for AI.

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