A Practical Guide to Deploying Machine Learning Models

A Practical Guide to Deploying Machine Learning Models

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A Practical Guide to Deploying Machine Learning Models

As a data scientist, you probably know how to build machine learning models. But it’s only when you deploy the model that you get a useful machine learning solution. And if you’re looking to learn more about deploying machine learning models, this guide is for you.

The steps involved in building and deploying ML models can typically be summed up like so: building the model, creating an API to serve model predictions, containerizing the API, and deploying to the cloud.

This guide focuses on the following:

  • Building a machine learning model with Scikit-learn
  • Creating a REST API to serve predictions from the model using FastAPI
  • Containerizing the API using Docker

Deploying ML Models | Image by Author

We’ll build a simple regression model on the California housing dataset to predict house prices. By the end, you’ll have a containerized application that serves house price predictions based on selected input features.

Setting Up the Project Environment

Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:

  • A recent version of Python (Python 3.11 or later preferably)
  • Docker for containerization; Get Docker for your operating system

⚙️ To follow along comfortably, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of building machine learning models and working with APIs.

Getting Started

Here’s the (recommended) structure for the project’s directory:

We’ll need a few Python libraries to get going. Let’s install them all next.

In your project environment, create and activate a virtual environment:

For the project we’ll be working on, we need pandas and scikit-learn to build the machine learning model. And FastAPI and Uvicorn to build the API to serve the model’s predictions.

So let’s install these required packages using pip:

You can find all the code for this tutorial on GitHub.

Building a Machine Learning Model

Now, we’ll train a linear regression model using the California Housing dataset which is built into scikit-learn. This model will predict house prices based on the selected features. In the project directory, create a file called model_training.py:

This script loads the California housing dataset, selects three features (MedInc, AveRooms, AveOccup), trains a linear regression model, and saves it in the model/ folder as linear_regression_model.pkl.

Note: To keep things simple, we’ve only used a small subset of features. But you can try adding more.

Run the script to train the model and save it:

You’ll get the following message and should be able to find the .pkl file in the model/ directory:

Creating the FastAPI App

We’ll now create an API that serves predictions using FastAPI.

Inside the app/ folder, create two files: __init__.py (empty) and main.py. We do this because we’d like to containerize the FastAPI app using Docker next.

In main.py, write the following code:

This FastAPI application exposes a /predict endpoint that takes three features (MedInc, AveRooms, AveOccup). It uses the trained model to predict house prices, and returns the predicted price.

Containerizing the App with Docker

Now let’s containerize our FastAPI application. In the project’s root directory, create a Dockerfile and a requirements.txt file.

Creating the Dockerfile

Let’s create a Dockerfile:

This creates a lightweight container for a FastAPI application using Python 3.11 (slim version) as the base image. It sets the working directory to /code, copies the requirements.txt file into the container, and installs the necessary Python dependencies without caching.

The FastAPI app and model files are then copied into the container. Port 80 is exposed for the application, and Uvicorn is used to run the FastAPI app. This makes the API accessible at port 80. This setup is efficient for deploying a FastAPI app in a containerized environment.

Creating the requirements.txt File

Create a requirements.txt file listing all dependencies:

Building the Docker Image

Now that we have the Dockerfile, requirements.txt, and the FastAPI app ready, let’s build a Docker image and run the container.

Dockerizing the APIDockerizing the API

Dockerizing the API | Image by Author

Build the Docker image by running the following docker build command:

Next run the Docker container:

Your API should now be running and accessible at

You can use curl or Postman to test the /predict endpoint by sending a POST request. Here’s an example request:

This should return a response with the predicted house price, like this:

Tagging and Pushing the Docker Image to Docker Hub

After building the Docker image, running the container, and testing it. You can now push it to Docker Hub for easier sharing and deploying to cloud platforms.

First, login to Docker Hub:

You’ll be prompted to enter the credentials.

Tag the Docker image:

Replace your_username with your Docker Hub username.

Note: It also makes sense to add versions to your model files. When you update the model, you can rebuild the image with a new tag, and push the updated image to Docker Hub.

Push the image to Docker Hub:

Other developers can now pull and run the image like so:

Anyone with access to your Docker Hub repository can now pull the image and run the container.

Wrap-up and Next Steps

Here’s a quick review of what we did in this tutorial:

  • Train a machine learning model using scikit-learn
  • Build a FastAPI application to serve predictions
  • Containerize the application with Docker

We also looked at pushing the Docker image to Docker Hub for easier distribution. The next logical step is to deploy this containerized application to the cloud.

And for this, you can use services like AWS ECS, GCP, or Azure to deploy the API in a production environment. Let us know if you’d like a tutorial on deploying machine learning models to the cloud.

Happy deploying!

References and Further Reading

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