
NotLockBit: Ransomware Discovery Serves As Wake-Up Call For Mac Users

Historically, Mac users haven't had to worry about malware as much as their Windows-using cousins. Although malware targeting Apple devices actually predates viruses written...

CISOs have to get on top of AI technologies, warns Microsoft

“First, CISOs understand that AI can enhance threat detection, automate responses, and strengthen defenses. Tools that use machine learning to detect anomalies or...

New Qilin.B Ransomware Variant Emerges with Improved Encryption and Evasion Tactics

î ‚Oct 24, 2024î „Ravie LakshmananRansomware / Cybercrime Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an advanced version of the Qilin ransomware sporting increased sophistication and tactics to evade...

Embargo ransomware: Rock’n’Rust

ESET researchers have discovered new Rust-based tooling leading to the deployment of Embargo ransomware. Embargo is a relatively new...

The Hidden Risks of Legacy MFA

Sometimes, it turns out that the answers we struggled so hard to find were sitting right in front of us for so long...

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