
Researchers Uncover Vulnerabilities in Solarman and Deye Solar Systems

Aug 12, 2024Ravie LakshmananCritical Infrastructure / Vulnerability Cybersecurity researchers have identified a number of security shortcomings in photovoltaic system management platforms operated by Chinese...

How Phishing Attacks Adapt Quickly to Capitalize on Current Events

In 2023, no fewer than 94 percent of businesses were impacted by phishing attacks, a 40 percent increase compared to the previous year,...

The BlackSuit ransomware gang has demanded over $500 million since 2022

A notorious ransomware group has demanded more than half a billion dollars from victims in less than two years.That staggering statistic has been...

EastWind Attack Deploys PlugY and GrewApacha Backdoors Using Booby-Trapped LNK Files

Aug 12, 2024Ravie LakshmananCloud Security / Malware The Russian government and IT organizations are the target of a new campaign that delivers a number...

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