
Google’s Shift to Rust Programming Cuts Android Memory Vulnerabilities by 52%

î ‚Sep 25, 2024î „Ravie LakshmananSecure Coding / Mobile Security Google has revealed that its transition to memory-safe languages such as Rust as part of its...

U.S. Proposes Ban on Connected Vehicles Using Chinese and Russian Tech

î ‚Sep 24, 2024î „Ravie LakshmananNational Security / Regulatory Compliance The U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) said it's proposing a ban on the import or sale...

Necro Android Malware Found in Popular Camera and Browser Apps on Play Store

î ‚Sep 24, 2024î „Ravie LakshmananMobile Security / Malware Altered versions of legitimate Android apps associated with Spotify, WhatsApp, and Minecraft have been used to deliver...

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