
Hackers Exploit PHP Vulnerability to Deploy Stealthy Msupedge Backdoor

î ‚Aug 20, 2024î „Ravie LakshmananVulnerability / Threat Intelligence A previously undocumented backdoor named Msupedge has been put to use against a cyber attack targeting an...

CISOs urged to prepare now for post-quantum cryptography

Samantha Mabey, director of digital security solutions at Entrust, commented: “Now that NIST has finalized three quantum-resistant security algorithms, it becomes increasingly crucial...

Cybercriminals Exploit Popular Software Searches to Spread FakeBat Malware

î ‚Aug 19, 2024î „Ravie LakshmananMalvertising / Cybercrime Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a surge in malware infections stemming from malvertising campaigns distributing a loader called FakeBat. "These...

New UULoader Malware Distributes Gh0st RAT and Mimikatz in East Asia

î ‚Aug 19, 2024î „Ravie LakshmananThreat Intelligence / Cryptocurrency A new type of malware called UULoader is being used by threat actors to deliver next-stage payloads...

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