Machine Learning

Retrieval Augmented Generation: Where Information Retrieval Meets Text Generation

Image created by Author using Midjourney     Introduction to RAG   In the constantly evolving world of language models, one steadfast methodology of particular note is Retrieval...

How Monte Carlo Tree Search works part3(Machine Learning) | by Monodeep Mukherjee | Apr, 2024

Verified Multi-Step Synthesis using Large Language Models and Monte Carlo Tree Search(arXiv)Author : David Brandfonbrener, Sibi Raja, Tarun Prasad, Chloe Loughridge, Jianang Yang,...

Differential Privacy and Federated Learning for Medical Data | by Eric Boernert | Apr, 2024

A practical assessment of Differential Privacy & Federated Learning in the medical context.(Bing AI generated image, original, full ownership)The need for data privacy...

How Ricci Flow is used in Machine Learning part2 | by Monodeep Mukherjee | Apr, 2024

The Convergence of Prescribed Combinatorial Ricci Flows for Total Geodesic Curvatures in Spherical Background Geometry(arXiv)Author : Guangming Hu, Ziping Lei, Yu Sun, Puchun...

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