Machine Learning

Machine Learning 101 P9: K-nearest neighbors (kNN) | by Hang Nguyen | Feb, 2025

K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) is a type of lazy learning, where the function is only approximated locally and all computation is deferred until classification....

How to Fine-Tune DistilBERT for Emotion Classification

The customer support teams were drowning with the overwhelming volume of customer inquiries at every company I’ve worked at. Have you had similar...

xgboost当中的一些详细数学推导 – Dylan Wang – Medium

Dylan Wang·FollowJust now--Sharexgboost是一个常用的机器学习框架 但是网上关于数学论述的部分不是很容易理解 有的会跳过一些步骤 下面做一些详细的解释和举例推导最优 wj​ 的步骤:hi, gi的计算方法最优目标函数值 Obj∗ 的具体推导过程信息增益gain的计算方法:

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