Machine Learning

The Proof of Learning in Machine Learning/AI | by Rômulo Pauliv | May, 2024

This algorithm is known as “Gradient Descent” or “Method of Steepest Descent,” being an optimization method to find the minimum of a function...

How to Get Promoted in Data Science | by Egor Howell | May, 2024

Advice and tips that helped me get my first promotion as a data scientistNow, without boasting, earlier this year, I got promoted!!!!I went...

Thomas Miller, PhD, explores Northwestern University’s Online Graduate Programs in Data Science

Sponsored Content      The integration of data science and business strategy has created a demand for professionals who can make data-driven decisions that propel their...

Working with Compact metric graphs part2(AI 2024) – Monodeep Mukherjee

Spectral Theory for Schrödinger operators on compact metric graphs with δ and δ′ couplings: a surveyAuthors: Jonathan Rohleder, Christian SeifertAbstract: Spectral properties of...

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