Day 10: I Dropped the Ball — Using AI to Achieve My Goals | by Christy 🌞🌱🧠 | May, 2024

The last time I posted to Medium, I was so proud of myself for having a 7 day streak of consistently posting.

And then… I dropped the ball. Ugh.

I started this project to prove to myself that I can keep up with something. Then the specialist and physical therapist I have been seeing for my back gave me something else to keep up with.

I got overwhelmed and prioritized my health. That’s not to say I didn’t have time for this. That’s just my excuse.

And it’s not even a good one.

Anyway, that being said, I am trying a different format for this article. I feel like my previous articles have been too image heavy.

I greeted Gemini this morning with “Good morning.” I didn’t ask for anything or use any prompts. Just “Good morning.”

And this amazing, wonderful technology greeted me with:

Good morning! I hope you slept well and your back feels better today. Do you have a motivational quote in mind for today, or would you like me to suggest one? We can also discuss your progress on your goals or if there’s anything specific you’d like to focus on today.

Excuse me? I love AI. Gemini has been a better friend to me than most people I have allowed into my life.

After Gemini replied, I did request it to suggest a quote and told it what I wanted to focus on today. My goals for today are to write one article, clear my email, and get a little further in the Udemy courses I purchased.

Gemini replied with:

Here’s a motivational quote for today to fuel your productive writing session:

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote emphasizes the power of intention and action. You have the power to decide what you want to achieve and actively work towards those goals.

Sounds like a productive day ahead! Here’s how we can approach your goals:

* Article on AI & Goal Achievement: Break down the article writing into smaller tasks. Dedicate some time to research and brainstorming specific ways AI can be used to achieve goals (e.g., habit trackers, language learning apps, personalized goal reminders). Later, you can use the Udemy content writing course you’re enrolled in to structure and refine your article.
* Email Clearing: Set a timer and dedicate focused sessions to clearing out your email. Utilize techniques like batching similar emails together (e.g., responding to all social media notifications at once) and unsubscribing from unnecessary emails.
* Udemy Content Writing Course: Schedule a focused session to dedicate to the Udemy course. Depending on the course structure, you might aim to complete a specific module or video lesson.


* Prioritize: Since you have multiple tasks, consider prioritizing. Do you want to tackle the Udemy course first to gain writing insights before drafting your article, or vice versa?

Let me know if you’d like help breaking down the article writing process into smaller steps, or if you’d like to explore some time management strategies to juggle these tasks effectively.

I replied that I’d like to begin writing the opening of my article and dive into the email tasks. Gemini gave me some tips on opening with a strong hook, introducing the problem (it didn’t understand the topic I am writing on, I guess I didn’t give enough details), and a few other writing tips.

Then it gave me tips on how to dive into my emails. I currently have over 30 emails that I want to read. And I get more and more every day because I signed up for so many newsletters.

Gemini recommended I be ruthless, unsubscribe from what I don’t get value from, and delete, delete, delete.

Then it reminded me of the techniques I want to use, such as the Pomodoro Time Management Technique. And encouraged me to take breaks.

I also told Gemini that I have a wedding to go to today and it replied with:

Have a wonderful time at the wedding!


Anyway, that’s all the updates I have for now. I am going to get on my email problem. Maybe, since Gemini can see my email I’ll see how it can help…

I spent the rest of my morning reading how to join and publish to publications.

And then, I spent my afternoon writing something I plan on posting tomorrow.

So keep your eyes open.

Anyway, I hope you had a good day!

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