How to Quickly Deploy Machine Learning Models with Streamlit

import streamlit as st

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

import as px


# Synthetic generation of data examples for training the model

def generate_house_data(n_samples=100):


    size = np.random.normal(1500, 500, n_samples)

    price = size * 100 + np.random.normal(0, 10000, n_samples)

    return pd.DataFrame({‘size_sqft’: size, ‘price’: price})


# Function for instantiating and training linear regression model

def train_model():

    df = generate_house_data()


    # Train-test data splitting

    X = df[[‘size_sqft’]]

    y = df[‘price’]

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)


    # Train the model

    model = LinearRegression(), y_train)


    return model


# Streamlit User Interface for Deployed Model

def main():

    st.title(‘🏠 Simple House Pricing Predictor’)

    st.write(‘Introduce the house size to predict its sale price’)


    # Train model

    model = train_model()


    # User input

    size = st.number_input(‘House size (square feet)’,





    if st.button(‘Predict price’):

        # Perform prediction

        prediction = model.predict([[size]])


        # Show result

        st.success(f‘Estimated price: ${prediction[0]:,.2f}’)


        # Visualization

        df = generate_house_data()

        fig = px.scatter(df, x=‘size_sqft’, y=‘price’,

                        title=‘Size vs Price Relationship’)

        fig.add_scatter(x=[size], y=[prediction[0]],


                       marker=dict(size=15, color=‘red’),




if __name__ == ‘__main__’:


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