Logistic Regression. Logistic regression is a popular method… | by Souravkrsheel | Jan, 2025

Logistic regression is a popular method in data science used to predict outcomes when the target is categorical. It’s widely applied in scenarios like determining if a customer will buy a product (yes/no), if a transaction is fraudulent (fraud/not fraud), or if a patient has a disease (positive/negative). In this guide, will explain what logistic regression is, how it works, and why it’s so useful.

🔶 What is Logistic Regression?
Unlike linear regression, which predicts continuous values, logistic regression predicts probabilities for categorical outcomes. It answers questions like, “What is the likelihood that this event will occur?”

The formula for logistic regression looks like this:
p(y)=1/(1+e^-z) where z=b0​+b1​x
🔸p(y) is the probability of the target being in one class (e.g., yes or positive).
🔸z is the linear combination of predictors.
🔸b0 is the intercept, and b1 represents the coefficients for the predictors.
🔸e is the constant.
This equation maps any input to a value between 0 and 1, representing the probability of the positive class.

🔶 How Does It Work?
1️⃣It takes the input (predictors) and combines them into a linear equation.
2️⃣The sigmoid function then transforms this into a probability between 0 and 1.
3️⃣Finally, the probability is converted into a category using a threshold (usually 0.5).
For example, if the model predicts a probability of 0.8, it would classify the result as “yes” or “positive.”

🔶 Types of Logistic Regression
1️⃣Binary: For outcomes with two categories (e.g., yes/no).
2️⃣Multinomial: For three or more categories that don’t have a specific order.
3️⃣Ordinal: For categories that follow a natural order (e.g., low, medium, high).

🔶 Why Use Logistic Regression?
Here’s why logistic regression is so popular:
1️⃣It’s easy to understand and implement.
2️⃣It works well with smaller datasets.
3️⃣It’s versatile -great for binary, ordinal, or multinomial problems.
4️⃣The results are interpretable -you can see how each predictor impacts the outcome.

🔶 Challenges
1️⃣It assumes a linear relationship between predictors and the log-odds, which isn’t always true.
2️⃣It’s sensitive to outliers and highly correlated predictors (multicollinearity).
3️⃣It’s limited to categorical outcomes, so it’s not the best choice for continuous predictions.

🔶 Final Thoughts
Logistic regression is one of those tools that’s simple to learn but incredibly effective. It’s a great starting point for tackling classification problems, and it helps build a solid foundation for exploring more advanced techniques.

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