Real Life Example to Differentiate between Rule-Based Programming Vs Machine Learning Vs Deep Learning | by Shivam Dhawan | Sep, 2024

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When it comes to developing smart systems, there are three primary paradigms to consider: Rule-Based Programming, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL). To illustrate the differences between these approaches, let’s use an everyday scenario

Requirement : Finding the best route home from your workplace.

  1. Rule-Based Programming: Explicit Instructions for Every Step
    In a rule-based system, we provide the machine with a set of explicit instructions to follow. Think of this as a navigation system that requires you to code every step of the journey:

“First, go straight for 500 meters.”
“Then, take a left at the crossing.”
“After that, take a right at the second signal.”
The program does exactly what it’s told — no more, no less. It follows a pre-defined set of rules that you, the developer, have hard-coded into the system. The advantage here is precision and control; you know exactly what the machine will do because you’ve instructed it at every step.

However, the downside is the rigidity. The machine cannot adapt to new situations (like a roadblock or heavy traffic) unless explicitly programmed to handle them. This approach can quickly become cumbersome and impractical for complex or dynamic environments.

2. Machine Learning: Learning Patterns from Data

With machine learning, we shift from hard-coded instructions to learning from data. Here, instead of telling the machine exactly what to do, we provide it with relevant data — such as the locations of your home and workplace, the road network, traffic patterns, and possible routes.

The machine then processes this data to discover patterns. It might learn, for instance, that on weekdays during rush hour, a particular road tends to be congested and therefore suggests an alternative route. It learns from past data, continuously improving its predictions based on new information.

The key advantage here is flexibility. A machine learning model can adapt to new situations as it encounters more data. However, it still requires a considerable amount of labeled data to learn effectively, and its suggestions are based on probabilistic patterns rather than certainty.

3. Deep Learning: Autonomous Decision-Making Beyond Human Understanding
Deep learning takes machine learning a step further. Imagine an agent that doesn’t just learn from patterns in the data but can also autonomously decide the best route home, factoring in complex variables like real-time traffic, weather conditions, road closures, and even your driving habits.

In deep learning, models use multi-layered neural networks that mimic the human brain’s way of processing information. These networks can handle vast amounts of data and learn intricate patterns. For example, a deep learning model might consider thousands of possible routes and conditions, dynamically recalculating the best path as new data streams in.

The exciting — or concerning — part is that deep learning models often operate as a “black box.” While they might provide highly accurate route recommendations, it can be challenging to understand how they arrived at those decisions. The model might choose a path that seems counterintuitive, and we may not always know why.

The Final Question: Easier Lives or Trickier Decisions?
Each of these approaches has its pros and cons. Rule-based systems offer transparency and control but lack adaptability. Machine learning provides flexibility but still requires human understanding and interpretation of patterns. Deep learning, while powerful and highly autonomous, introduces a level of uncertainty and complexity that can be difficult to manage.

So, are these advanced technologies making our lives easier or trickier? The answer likely depends on our willingness to balance trust and control in these systems. As we continue to develop smarter and more autonomous technologies, understanding the trade-offs will be key to leveraging their full potential.

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